Setup bot in your server with invite link here
- "/active_money" this command is used to activate the economy plugin !
- "/disable_money" this command is used to disable the economy plugin !
- "/money" to see your actual money !
- "/shops" to see all shop in this server!
- "/shop [shop] " this command is used to see any shop
- "/buy [shop] [item] " to buy item from one shop
- "/inventory " see your buyed items !
- "/active_jobs" this command is used to activate the jobs plugin !
- "/disable_jobs" this command is used to disable the jobs plugin !
- "/admin_shop" this command is used see the admin shop to buy tools
- "/admin_buy" is used to buy tools
- "/create_shop [name] [description]" this command is used to create one shop
- "/create_item [name]* [shop]* [value]* [decription]* [role/other]* | [role] " this command is used to create item :
the argument [role] is used only if you sselct role and if you selct it you need to ping the role
(* is required)
- "/active_card [channel] " it's for active a welcome card with the boblux design
- "/disable_card " it's for disable the welcome card
- "/welcome_role [role]" This command is used so that when someone joins the server they are
automatically assigned a role
- "/disable_welcome_role " it's for disable the welcome role
- "/clear [amount] " amount for how many message you want delete and you can write all to delete all message
- "/delete_shop [shop] " is used to delete one shop
- "/give_money [user] [amount]" is used to give moeny, in [user] yout need to ping someone
- "/add_money_channel [channel] [amount]" this command allows you to designate a channel or when someone speaking there will earn [amount] of money
- "/delete_shop [type] [message] [emoji] [role]" is used to create a reaction role,
you can choose in [type] "embed" or "message"
- "/set_money [user]" is used to define the money to someone
- "/say [message]" is used to say somthing withg the bot
- "/leadboard" is used to see the leadboard of the people who have the most money
- "/help" if you need help in the server
- "/bug [report]" is used to report a bug evry 40 secondes